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11 Ways to Manage Depression

It is important to remember that depression is a lie. It tries to convince you that there is nothing more for you and that life is going to remain the same. Action precedes motivation. Depression steals your energy, time and experiences from you but there are small steps you can take to regain control and improve your well--being. Here are some strategies that can help:

11 Ways to Manage Depression

1) Do a hard thing

The depression part of you will most likely want you to shut down and do nothing. When you notice that part being vocal try pushing through the dialogue and ask yourself if it's possible that you may find joy if you do a hard thing. This could include going to a friend's house, playing with your kids, or eating lunch with your colleagues.

2) Create a judgment-free zone for yourself

Being able to meet yourself where you are without blame and shame creates a space for openness and love to grow. Depression is common and many people are facing similar challenges as you.

3) Don't invalidate your experience

It's okay to take a day and feel all of your emotions, but don't stay down for too long. Writing about your feelings when you're feeling down is a great way to express them, as well as journaling about about your experiences when they lift.

4) Grace for tomorrow

Remember that each day is new. The low moods that you are experiencing today do not determine how tomorrow will be. Give yourself grace to enter each day as a fresh start.

11 Ways to Manage Depression

5) Set manageable goals

Make a short list of some of the primary goals that you need to accomplish and break them down into management tasks. Don't organize your bedroom: organize your desk; hang up your clothes; make your bed Find ways that you can complete small tasks that don't require an immense amount of energy to complete. Little by little you'll accomplish your goals this way.

6) Create a routine

Routines help to keep consistency in our lives. Make sure that you are able to add one thing that brings you joy into your daily schedule. Here is a great Daily Monitoring Schedule to help you keep track of your routine. Remember that if your routine feels like an obligation then you're less likely to stick to it. Be intentional with what you have control over in your day. Is it in alignment with your values?

7) Do something you enjoy

Remember that depression and joy can't share the same space. Write out a list of activities that bring you joy, and if you can't recall because it's been so long, recall what brought you joy as a child! Click here for a list of activities that you may relate to!

11 Ways to Manage Depression

8) Notice what you are consuming

What you eat and drink plays a role in reducing depression. Here's a great book that explains how certain foods fight depression. Reducing depressants like alcohol and stimulants such as coffee, pop and caffeine can help in rebalancing your system.

9) Move your body

Exercise, even 20 mins a day of walking plays a big impact in reducing the risk of depression. Go easy on yourself and start off where you are and increase your exercise overtime. You don't need to run a marathon to gain the health benefits from exercise.

11 Ways to Manage Depression

10) Sleep, sleep, sleep

This is probably one of the first to go as it often doesn't get prioritized, but it is one of the key factors in reducing the risk of depression. Keep to the same sleep schedule 7 days a week and getting an average of 8 hours of sleep can help you maintain your daily schedule. For further tips on healthy sleep routines click here.

11) Speak with a professional

A health professional will be able to assess your needs and provide you with a treatment plan customized specifically to your needs. This can include a number of interventions such as medication, psychotherapy or alternative measures. You are not alone! If you have further questions or suggestions I'd love to have you share them below in the comments!

Today is a good day to do a hard thing.

Grace, Space and Beautiful Bridges Xo Unapologetically You


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